Infographical representation of clinical information
Medical conferences and events are regular activities in healthcare. The doctors present at least one poster at those conferences. Even at the best conferences, we do spot some bland posters with traditional graphs and charts.
The main purpose of a poster is to convey an idea, information or a study to a large group of people. Especially if it is from doctors, the content speaks of knowledge and experience. But with a less attractive design, they are able to reach out only to a minority of the crowd. Therefore, it becomes more than necessary to portray the content in a pleasing, organized and engaging way.To change the way posters have been made since years, we devised the method of infographical poster presentation during conferences.
We developed the first poster for RSSDI 2013. We were excited to work, as client was willing to experiment to achieve brand visibility. We analyzed the patient data and submitted the written abstract for poster presentation. On being accepted, we developed the complete article with its infographical representation. We then discussed it with our design team, made them understand the medical terminologies, created original vectors, designed the Infographical poster and finally shared it with the client.
Our posters stood tall amongst others and created a brand differentiation; the client received the 2nd prize at National level conference. We created several other posters, helping our clients achieve recognition across various conferences.

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