Marketing brochure for Tele-ICU solution
We live in a world where on one side we have countries with well organised healthcare system and somewhere people are deprived of basic life support. Even if we plan to have more and more doctors, it will still take time. As medical professional, we truly believe in the power of Tele Solutions, for now it is the answer.
We were privileged to work on various projects for marketing Tele-ICU Solutions. We all believe it’s a problem of people living in remote areas to get access to advance medical care, but now it is possible through Tele Medicine Solutions. But what we forget is, even if you are a person living in the most advanced part of the country, we travel to the most remote areas either for work or leisure. And nobody would like to be the victim of lack of basic life support facilities anywhere.
Working with the wonderful team GE Healthcare for Tele-ICU, we understood even a business can be so fulfilling to your soul.
Date: Year 2015
Services: Marketing Brochure, Flyer, Business Stationary, Standee, Poster, Magazine Ads.

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