Cancer awareness campaign for a developing country
Pacific International Hospital (PIH) is a private multispecialty hospital in Papua New Guinea providing tertiary healthcare. Globeathon is a global movement conducted every year to increase awareness of women's cancers through educational outreach and global community engagement. PIH took a community health initiative to organize Globeathon event in Port Moresby to raise awareness on women’s cancers.
PNG being a culturally diverse country, there is extreme lack of patient education and health awareness. The maternal mortality ratio is 230 per 100,000 with cervical cancer being the most frequent cancer among women in PNG. Furthermore, there is one doctor per 17,068 people portraying the extreme lack of healthcare services. Number of women coming for cancer screening is significantly low and there is a need to raise awareness among women on cancer screening.
Attention grabbing posts and creative content that maximized hospital’s visibility!
InScience Created attention-grabbing posts for Facebook that prominently displayed hospital services and facilities along with the importance of the event. Easy-to-read and appealing content targeted at PNG locals. Furthermore, InScience created a strong social media presence and provided easy to access links for facebook posts, educational blog and online registrations. As promoting these types of events usually involves a great deal of planning, InScience has put in its efforts in writing, designing and printing by creating online connections, building content, forging connections and established the organisation in the social media sphere.
Globeathon event turned out to be a big success with more than 800 participants from the city and the participation increased by 60 percent compared to previous years. After the involvement of InScience this year for event promotion, PIH Facebook activity showed a dramatic increase of 24% likes with 96,184 reach. The event achieved very high page reach metrics and much more brand awareness and has been covered by National Television

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